Thursday, August 31, 2017

HawkEye information for this year

4th grade Hawkeye time has started!  

Our groups meet daily from 9:15-9:45.  This is a time for our teachers to provide interventions to those students who have been identified as needing a math or reading intervention program.   With the exception of Mrs. Maestri’s class who has been divided into 6 groups, the classes travel as a homeroom to Hawkeye .  Throughout the year these groups will rotate through 6 classes that are academically centered, but do not involve graded assignments.  This is simply an enrichment time for those students not attending an intervention.

***Please note your child’s Hawkeye group may be changed throughout the year based on your child’s needs.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Weekly Updates for August 29th

It's hard to believe that we are in our last week of August! Here is what is happening this week:


Math: We are reviewing Lesson 3 on adding and subtracting whole numbers. We will be giving the assessment for Lesson 3 by the end of the week and start rounding soon after that. 
Science: We will be finishing up Scientific Method and team building activities. Next, I am going to talk about science tools. I will give a short quiz by Friday on the Scientific Method.
Writing: Paragraph Construction with an emphasis on Topic Sentences and Details

Reading: Continuing with Because of Winn DixieRemember any work that's in the classwork part of the red folder is not homework unless otherwise stated. 
Grammar/Advanced Word Study: Breaking apart sentences; AWS: We will have a dictation quiz Monday and start working on a new list. 
Social Studies: Quiz on Tuesday and Wednesday over Geography. They have a study guide in their red folder.  Continuing with Early Native Americans (Paleo, Archaic, Mississippian, Woodland)
Math:  We will begin Lesson 3.  Our goal will be to finish Lesson 3 and have a quiz on Friday. This unit is over adding and subtracting multi digit numbers.  Please check the agenda sheet nightly for homework assignments. Also, Lesson 2 quiz will be going home on Monday.  Please remember that students should return quizzes to class. They have the option to make test corrections.  An email was sent out to both classes explaining this process. We keep all quizzes at school until the unit assessment. This will be your study guide. Morning work will be given on Monday and is due on Friday. 
Science: This week we will finish with Scientific Method and the Engineering Design Process. Students will complete two labs this week.  Lab sheets will be due on Friday.  Next week we will begin with science tools and data collection.  
Writing:  Our writing focus has been understanding the traits of good writers.  This week, we will shift our focus to opinion writing. We will be identifying other's opinions, reasons and evidence in their writing.  Students will receive resource information for OREO in their writing folders.  
Math: We will begin and finish Lesson 3 this week.  This lesson focuses on addition and subtraction of multi digit numbers.  Students will learn various strategies including the standard algorithm.  There will be a quiz on Friday. Please check the weekly assignment sheet nightly for homework assignments.  Classwork will be given on Monday. Students should turn this in as they finish. This is due by Friday. 
Science:  We will continue with Scientific Method and Engineering Design Process. Students will participate in two labs. Lab sheets will be due by Friday.  Next week, we will begin with science tools and data collection. 

*Reading: We are continuing Because of Winn Dixie and will be working on referring back to the text when discussing the characters, plot, and setting.
*ELA: Sentence diagramming with subjects and predicates.  Our word study pattern this week will be long a and long i. Test Friday over words with this pattern. Your child will also be receiving an individualized list this week of high frequency words that he/she will be expected to spell correctly in 4th grade. A note will be coming home with this list on how to help your child with these words.
*S. Studies: The culture and legacy of the 4 Indian time periods (Paleo, Archaic, Woodland, and Mississippian). Test Wednesday (Johnson) and Thursday (Maestri) over the Module 1 study guide that was given out last week.

*Johnson writing: We will start working on opinion writing this week.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Weekly Updates for Aug 22nd

WoW!!! What an eclipse!  What an amazing experience for all of us!  Even though we have a short week, we do have some things happening to note:

Reading: We are continuing Because of Winn Dixie.  We will be focused on characteristics of fiction (characters, plot, setting, problem/solution).  We are also working on citing text evidence within the text.

ELA: Diagramming subjects and predicates in sentences; Word pattern test in both classes on Friday. 

Johnson writing: Continue 6 traits of writing

S.Studies: Archaic, Woodland, and Mississippian Indians
*A study guide will be coming home this week for the 4 Indian groups.  Test will be next Wednesday (Johnson) and Thursday (Maestri).

Math:  This week we will continue to work on Lesson 2- comparing numbers using place value and expanded form.  There will be a quiz over lesson 2 on Friday. 

Reading: Because of Winn Dixie: They will be doing workstations all week in characterization, setting, and plot. 

Advanced Word Study: Unit 1: short a vccv pattern; there will be no quiz on Friday. 

Language: Breaking apart sentences: Subject and Predicate

Social Studies: Module 1: There will be a Geography quiz next Tuesday in Mrs. Derry's class and a quiz in Mrs. Fortson's on Wednesday. The study guide went home today with Mrs. Derry's homeroom. Mrs. Fortson's class will get it tomorrow. This will be a closed note quiz. We are studying the early Native Americans: Archaic, Paleo, Mississippian, and Woodland Indians. 

Math:  We will work through Lesson 2-comparing numbers using place value and expanded form.  There is a quiz over Lesson 2 on Friday.  Please check the assignment sheet nightly for homework assignments. 

Russ/Stansberry:  Math- There will be a doubles fact quiz on Friday!

Monday, August 14, 2017

Weekly Updates for 8-14

Here is what is happening this week:

Please remember that we have PARENT NIGHT, tomorrow night from 5-6pm. We have important information to give you, including our Fourth grade handbook.  If you are able, this is a important night to attend!

Reading/ELA/Social Studies:

Reading- WE will be introducing Because of Winn Dixie.  Students will complete a 4th grade pre-assessment for reading fluency and comprehension.
ELA/Writing- We will introduce the Advanced Word Study.  Students will be taking a pre-test on "No Excuse Words" that they should already know.  We will discuss how we use AWS in our class on a weekly basis.  For writing, we will read and write a response to The Secret Knowledge of Grownups. Our writing trait this week is "Generating Ideas".
Social Studies- Our first unit is, The Lane and the People before the European Exploration. Students will learn how native cultures of Tennessee are alike and different.  We will discuss geographic terms such as bluffs, swamps, isthmus, gulf, sea, bay and cape.


Reading- We will start the book Because of Winn Dixie.  This is our first novel of the year and we will be learning how to dig deeper into our reading and discuss our ideas.
ELA/Writing- This week, we will learn about our "No Excuse Words".  These will be used in our spelling and writing.  We will also review the types of sentences.
Social Studies-our first discussion will be over landforms and Indian cultures.

Math and Science:

Fortson/Derry and Maestri/Johnson-
Math- Our new math series is Ready Math.  Please check the blog page under math for additional information and resources.  Our first unit is over place value. This week, students will be using place value charts to discuss the value of numbers, compare numbers and write numbers in multiple ways.  There will be homework assigned this week, so please check the weekly assignment sheet daily.

Science- This week, we will do two labs.  They will be an introduction into the scientific method and the engineering design process.  Students will get a hands on opportunity to practice these processes. Next week, we will connect the actual process with the labs we do this week. There will be a lab sheet for both labs and this is a graded assignment.  On Friday, we will do a fun mini lesson over the solar eclipse.  Students will receive their Knox County eclipse glasses this week.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

First Week Fun Pictures!

Check out our some of our first week pictures!

Mrs. Russ's class:


Mrs. Derry's Class:


Mrs. Fortson's Class:

As you can see, we had a GREAT first week!  

Friday, August 4, 2017

Don't Forget!

Don't forget that we will have our Meet and Greet tonight from 3-5pm.  We cannot wait to see you!