Thursday, October 15, 2015

Fortson Weekly Updates for 10/14

As you can see, we have changed the blog to reflect both Mrs. Derry's class information as well as our class information. We have also worked very hard to provide you resources and the latest information on the pages...especially the Social Studies and Science pages.  These are works in progress!  When you check the blog, take a minute to scroll down through the last few posts.  Often we post more than one in a week.  Some of the information belongs to both classes as well!

Math:  Fortson math class has continued with division practice.  We have worked on the standard algorithm with one digit divisors into 2, 3 and 4 digit dividends.  We have connected the inverse operation of multiplication with the process of division.  We also learned another strategy- the place value block strategy.  While this might seem tedious for those of us who learned math the "old" way, this really allows students to understand the importance of place value and what is happening in division, not just memorize an algorithm.  I will try to update the math page this weekend with some helpful videos and information.

Reading:  We started over with our reading challenge for 2nd nine weeks.  Students are required to read at least one chapter book every nine weeks and submit a comprehension activity sheet.  Status of the Class n Friday.

ELA/Writing:  We have begun our opinion writing unit.  Students will critique another student's writing and will get feedback on their own writing.  We are developing a use graphic organizer to help students organize their thoughts.

Science:  DERRY and FORTSON-We continued with our Ecosystem unit.  The plan is to assess this unit next Friday. Students will receive a study guide next week. They received a packet that we worked on in class and that they will need to finish and turn in completed no later than Wednesday of next week.

Social Studies: See Mrs. Derry's SS update on the blog!