The skill we will be working on this week is main idea/details and inferring.
Grammar: Plural Possessive nouns
Writing: This week will be writing our prompt in two sessions. First session is 30 minutes and the second session is 45 minutes. They are writing their opinion piece.
Advanced Word Study: This week we are working on Words which contain -ear, -ir, -our, -ur
but have the /er/ sound.
Math: Topic 5: We are finishing up Topic 5. We will continue to work on multiplication with 2 and 3 digit numbers. I will test on topic 5 possible on Thursday.
Science: Mrs. Fortson is working on Adaptations. Please be aware that there is a Science packet that was assigned today and is due by Friday.
Social Studies: This week were are discussing Benjamin Franklin and the French and Indian War. I will be uploading material we will be using throughout the next few weeks. The War of Independence will be covered till Winter Break.
I will be grading all week and should have all grades updated this week.