Monday, December 5, 2016

Weekly Updates for December 5th

We are counting down the days until the end of the semester! We are working hard to end this quarter on a great note.  Please help your child to look through all papers and get things turned in as soon as possible.  Here is what is happening this week:

Math- This week we will continue with factors, multiples, composite and prime numbers.  Please check with your child for daily assignments.

Science- We are finishing our mini unit on weathering, erosion and deposition.  Mrs. Fortson will give a quiz on this material on Wednesday.  A study guide will be given on Tuesday.  Check with Mrs. McCoy and Mr. DeBolt for specific assignments this week.

Reading- The students are reading Johnny Tremain. 

ELA- subject/verb agreement and irregular verbs.

Writing- This week we will continue our focus on informational writing. We will be using text evidence from two sources.

Social Studies- Our objective this week is to explain the causes, course and consequences of the American Revolution and the foundations of the future of Tennessee.  Our main focus this week is the following: Continental Congress, John and Abigail Adams, Patrick Henry, Liberty or Death, Paul Revere-Midnight Ride, Lexington and Concord and the Shot Heard Around the World.

We are excited to host our holiday parties on December 21st.  Please look for information from your child's teacher and coordinating parents.  We appreciate all that you do for us!