
Please remember that the newest unit information is posted at the top of this page with previous content located below it.  Anything posted below the solid line is future material and from past years and has not been updated or modified.  

For our first unit we will discuss the engineering design process, inventions and innovators and then move into the scientific method.  

Engineering Design Process 

Inventions and Innovators

Scientific Method and Science Tools

Here is sheet that explains the steps to the scientific method:  Scientific method steps


Please note that the following information is related to future units that we will study and has not been updated or modified for this present year.  

Moon Phases/Sun, Earth and Moon Relationships

Here is a great resource that might help to practice the moon phases:  moon phases interactive activity

Heredity/ Biodiversity and Change

  • Draw conclusions about the relationship between reproduction and the survival of a species. 
  • Distinguish between complete and incomplete metamorphosis
  • Determine how a physical or behavioral adaptation can enhance the chances of survival.
  • Infer the possible reasons why a species became endangered or extinct. 

Here are some great links to help support what we are learning!:  - This site allows you to investigate animal parts and how they survive because of their specialized parts. - this site allows you to play with multiple activities

Interdependence and the Flow of Energy

 Click Here to get a copy of the unit study guide!

Here is a great link to check out as we look how animals interact with their environments:

Want to learn more about producers and consumers? check this out:

Parents, here are the BIG ideas that we need to cover with this unit:
  • Plants and animals compete for survival.
  • Understand a predator and a prey and how this relationship affects the ecosystem. 
  • Determine how different organisms function within an environment in terms of their location on an energy pyramid.
  • Classify organisms as carnivores, herbivores, or omnivores. 

Cell Unit

Here are some great resources to help you study animal and plant cells:

Plant Cells Study Jams

cell study guide- here is a downloadable copy of the study guide you received in class. You will need to use your interactive notebook to complete this study guide. We will go over answers in class the day before the test!

Remember that you will need to identify the above labeled structures as well as be able to tell how animal and plant cells are different.  Refer to your interactive notebook for resources.

Body Unit

Energy - this is a great link with many interactive games and online information

Weather, Climate and the Water Cycle
Here is a copy of the some of the notes we are using in class:  Weather and Climate notes

In this unit, students will be able to determine the difference between weather and climate.  They will also understand the water cycle and its importance to Earth and organisms. 

Here is a great interactive website for you to check out!