Monday, September 25, 2017

Weekly Update for September 25th

We are counting down the days to the end of the nine weeks! Please remember that the end of the first nine weeks is October 6th.  All late, missing and redo work needs to be turned in by Wednesday, October 4th.  This allows us to get all grades in prior to the post date.  Please note the following:

Field Trips- Next week is our field trip to Smokey Mountain Heritage Center.  Please note the following dates:  Monday, October 2nd-Derry/Fortson/Maestri/Johnson    Tuesday, October 3rd-Russ/Stansberry/McCoy/DeBolt.  Please make sure your child has a lunch if he/she is bringing a lunch.  Reminder- NO cell phones or electronics are allowed on field trips.

Here are a few updates:

Reading-Continue work on Little House in the Big Woods.
ELA-Common and Proper nouns and pronouns.  The word study will focus on the long u sound.  Test will be Wednesday, October 4th.
Social Studies-We are learning about European exploration of the New World.
Writing-Opinion writing using text evidence
Math- We will take a unit assessment on Tuesday/Wednesday.  We will begin Module 3 on Thursday.

Math- We will take an assessment on Tuesday/Wednesday.  We will begin Module 3 on Thursday.  
Science- We have started our new mini unit on cells.  Students have some good resources in the interactive notebook.  A homework assignment will be given this week and students will need the resources in the notebook to complete it.  We will also look at some cells under a microscope!  A cell project will also be assigned.  Please look for an email with detailed information on Tuesday. 
Reading: Little House in the Big Woods. We will continue to read this novel and analyze characters, setting, and time period. 
Advanced Word Study: Long U sound (Dictation will be on Monday).
Grammar: Pronouns
Social Studies: Discussing Explorers and the routes they took in the New World.

Writing: Opinion Writing 

Monday, September 18, 2017

Weekly Updates for September 18th

Happy Monday!  Here is what is happening this week!


Reading: We will begin a new novel Little House in the Big Woods. The students will be answering many questions through out this novel. 

Grammar: Proper Nouns/Common Nouns

Writing: Opinion writing using texts to form an opinion.  Students will begin the process of writing to a prompt and using text evidence to support their reasons. 

Social Studies: The Age of Exploration: The students will trace the routes of early explorers and describe the explorations of the Americans. We will be answering these questions over the next few weeks: How did the arrival of Europeans in the Americas affect the people who lived there? How did exploration and settlement impact the indigenous peoples and the environment?

Math:  This week we will focus on fluently adding and subtracting multi-digit numbers using the standard algorithm and to apply it through problem solving. Please check the assignment sheet nightly for assignments. Focus lessons: Mod 1 Lessons 11-17

Science:  We will begin our cells unit this week.  Students will receive resources in their interactive notebooks.  

Reading: We are starting our next class novel, Little House in the Big Woods, this week.  We will continue to refer back to the text when citing text evidence and describing story elements in detail.

ELA: Continue work on adjectives and review common and proper nouns.

S.Studies: We will wrap up the Cherokee, Chickasaw, and Creek Indian unit this week and start talking about European explorers. 
*Test Tuesday for Johnson's homeroom over the Indian study guide. Test Wednesday for Maestri's homeroom.

Math: This week we will focus on fluently adding and subtracting multi-digit numbers using the standard algorithm and to apply it through problem solving.  Please check the assignment sheet nightly for assignments.  Focus lessons:  Module 1 lessons 11-17

Johnson/Maestri writing: Opinion writing with text evidence

McCoy/DeBolt- weekly lessons 9/18

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Weekly Updates for September 5th

What a weekend for some football!  And resting?? and relaxing!  Here is what is happening this week:


Reading: We will be starting Lewis and Clark and Me this week. This selection overlaps with some of the Social studies curriculum your child will be learning this year.

ELA: Continue diagramming sentences. Start working on adjectives.
Word study this week focuses on the long e and long o sounds. *Words will come home tomorrow, and the test will be Monday.

S.Studies: We will be learning about the Cherokee, Chickasaw, and Chocta Indian groups.

Johnson and Maestri writing: Opinion writing

Math:  This week we will be working with our Engage NY curriculum. We will be working on Lessons 1-6. These should be review lessons over the material we have learned in August. There will be a quiz on Friday.  Please check the assignment sheet nightly for homework assignments.


Reading: Lewis and Clark: We will be talking about What opportunities can be found in new places? This will be our story for the next two weeks.

Language: Adjectives
Advanced Word Study: Long e and o

Writing Fortson and Derry: Opinion

Social Studies: We will discuss religious beliefs, customs, and traditions of Cherokee, Creek, Chickasaw Native Americans.

Math: This week we will cover ENY lesson 6 and review lessons 1-6 for our quiz on Friday. Please check the assignment sheet nightly for homework.