
Welcome to math class! 

Mrs. Fortson, Mrs. Maestri, Mrs. McCoy and Mrs. Russ have provided the following information as a resource to you.  Please refer to each teacher's weekly assignments for specific assignments!

Online Math Websites and Resources:

Engage NY (Eureka Math) resources: math resource 1
Edutopia blog post-10 best apps for math fluency
Math blog post with app recommendations (this is a blog that I follow. Once you click on the link, scroll down to find a great list of apps that you can use!) 

Please note that the most recent content is located at the top.  Additional future and past content information can be found by scrolling down.  

****KNOX COUNTY has adopted new math curriculum. We will update this page by unit as we receive the resource information ****

Please check out this family letter which will give you some insight into our new math curriculum:  Ready TN math overview

Place Value 

Our first unit will focus on Place Value.  Unit 1 consists of four lessons.  Each lesson is taught over several days. 
Students began to learn and build on previous knowledge that a digit in one place is 10 times the value that the same digit would have in the place to its right. 
We will also use place value charts and other strategies to help us to compare numbers.

We will use comparison symbols >, < and =  to evaluate and create number sentences. 

Adding and Subtracting using Place Value

Later in this unit we will build on this number sense (foundation) to help us understand how to add and subtract numbers. Students will use a place value strategy and standard algorithm. 

Finally, we will use a number line to help us to round numbers.  Here is an example:



Topic A- For this topic, we will focus on decomposition of fraction and fraction equivalence.  These standards should build on 3rd grade standards.  Students will "explore fractional equivalence through the decomposition of non-unit fractions into unit fractions".  Students will be working in whole group, small groups and independently.  Please check your student's agenda nightly for specific teacher assignment.  We will have a topic quiz at the end of lesson 6.

Here is a link to the videos that we are also watching in class:


Multiplication Comparisons and Understandings

We are working on our understanding of factors and products as well as basic math fact fluency.  Students should be able to represent multiplication in various ways: 
 Here is a great Khan Academy link that explains the process and gives you some practice:
The following information is taken from the EngageNY website and can be accessed in its entirety here:

"Students begin in Topic A by investigating the formulas for area and perimeter.  They then solve multiplicative comparison problems including the language of times as much as with a focus on problems using area and perimeter as a context (e.g., “A field is 9 feet wide.  It is 4 times as long as it is wide.  What is the perimeter of the field?”).  Students create diagrams to represent these problems as well as write equations with symbols for the unknown quantities (4.OA.1).  This is foundational for understanding multiplication as scaling in Grade 5 and sets the stage for proportional reasoning in Grade 6.  This Grade 4 module, beginning with area and perimeter, allows for new and interesting word problems as students learn to calculate with larger numbers and interpret more complex problems (4.OA.2, 4.OA.3, 4.MD.3).
In Topic B, students use place value disks to multiply single-digit numbers by multiples of 10, 100, and 1,000 and two-digit multiples of 10 by two-digit multiples of 10 (4.NBT.5).  Reasoning between arrays and written numerical work allows students to see the role of place value units in multiplication (as pictured below).  Students also practice the language of units to prepare them for multiplication of a single-digit factor by a factor with up to four digits and multiplication of two two-digit factors.

"In preparation for two-digit by two-digit multiplication, students practice the new complexity of multiplying two two-digit multiples of 10.  For example, students have multiplied 20 by 10 on the place value chart and know that it shifts the value one place to the left, 10 × 20 = 200.  To multiply 20 by 30, the associative property allows for simply tripling the product, 3 × (10 × 20), or multiplying the units, 3 tens × 2 tens = 6 hundreds (alternatively, (3 × 10) × (2 × 10) = (3 × 2) × (10 × 10)).  Introducing this early in the module allows students to practice during fluency so that, by the time it is embedded within the two-digit by two-digit multiplication in Topic H, understanding and skill are in place."



Division Meaning and Understandings

We began our division unit looking at division facts. It is very important that students have a good foundation in multiplication facts for this unit to be successful.  We have used diagrams and models to show division of one, two, three and even four digit dividends by a one digit divisor.  I will include some helpful links if you need additional resources---please see the Helpful Website Page on the home page of the blog as well as the links listed above. 
