Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Fortson Weekly Updates for January 25th

BRRRR!!! I hope that you enjoyed your snow days and you have plenty of new memories of fun in the snow! It is always fun to have an unexpected day (or days!) off, but we now know that we have to be even more focused as we work over the next few months.  Here is what is happening this week:

Fortson Math:  This week we will spend a few days reviewing our fraction concepts.  We took an assessment last week and this was given back on Monday.  Students have the option to redo as always.  The redo on this test will be a little different. Please talk to your child as they explain about our "reflective analysis" redo for this assessment.  I am planning to complete the fraction unit this week and then move into decimals by the end of the week or the beginning of next week.

**All other math classes are also working on fraction concepts.  Please check in with your child for daily assignments!**

Reading:  Students are required in my class to have a chapter book. They must complete at least one chapter book each nine weeks.  Most students complete more than 3.  It would be a good idea to check in with your child to see what he/she is reading.  I check books on Friday and this counts as a homework assignment.

ELA:  This week we are focusing on pronouns and informational writing. There will be at least one ELA homework assignment this week.
Writing:  We will be doing a writing piece this week.  It will be timed and we will use it as a teaching piece throughout the rest of the week.  I will be sending home your child's writing this week.  Writing is one of our most important concepts and it is definitely our weakest.  Many have asked how to help your child.  Writing definitely needs to be the focus for the next few months!

Science:  We will take our Weather and Climate assessment on Tuesday for Fortson's class and Thursday for Derry's class.  We will begin our new unit Weathering and Erosion next week.  Students have a study guide that was actually due last week. We will review this before the test.

Social Studies:  Please check in with Mrs. Derry's blog posts and SS page for up to date information.

Upcoming Events:
1/26- Enrichment sign ups before 8am
1/28-Box Tops collection