Monday, October 17, 2016

Weekly Updates for October 17th

Welcome back! We hope that every family enjoyed a time of rest and relaxation this past week. We cannot wait to hear the stories of the adventures of Fall Break. There some important reminders for this week:

Chicken Change Spirit Week- please check the PTA websites for specifics.
*Please note the information that was provided about our participation on Field Trip days*

Field Trips! Please note the days: (Please make sure to have your child wear his/her tshirt!)
Tuesday- Maestri/Johnson/DeBolt and Thursday- Fortson/Derry/Russ/Stansberry

Report Cards will go home on Friday.

Math: This week we will continue our focus on multi digit multiplication.  We will specifically work on two, three and four digit by one digit.  We will also increase rigor through the use of real world application problems.

Science:  We will continue with the last mini unit in our Life Sciences Unit- Biodiversity, change and heredity.  Students will receive notes and other items for the interactive notebook specifically for complete and incomplete metamorphosis/ inherited traits/ adaptations.  We hope to finish this unit by the end of October.

Social Studies:  This week we will begin our study of the building of the 13 colonies.  Students will receive notes as well as maps to help them locate and understand not only the geographical features each colony, but also connect this understanding of how the local resources impacted the people and their way of living (and making a living).  They will be responsible for being able to locate and identify all 13 colonies on a map.  This section of the assessment will not be open book.

Reading/ELA: We will be using our reading textbooks to read a excerpt from "Letters to Yosemite". For writing, we will begin our understanding of opinion writing.